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Sunday mornings 8, 9:45 & 11:30AM

Monday Nights 7PM

822 Bryden Ave, Lewiston, ID 83501
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We are a community committed to loving God, loving people, and loving the world. We’re excited to have you join us! Come As You Are! The hurting, the lost, the broken - everyone is welcome here. We want you to join us just as you are and experience the hope we have in Christ.

Church Campus

Sundays at 9AM & 11AM

101 W. Highway
City, State 55555

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Sundays at 9AM & 11AM

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We Are All On A Journey

OCC is a community of people who are seeking to follow Jesus Christ. We exist to help people become relationally connected and make disciples who make disciples. We strive to join God where He is at work changing lives.
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Make A Difference

Here’s what’s happening next at OCC

Here at OCC we want to help people become relationally connected and make disciples who make disciples. We intentionally seek to join God where He is at work changing lives.
Featured image for Senior Appreciation Meal

Senior Appreciation Meal

Join us for lunch and fellowship on Sunday March 2nd at 11am in the Chapel! This is for all who consider themselves of senior age. Meet others in our congregation in your stage of life and get connected! Registration is not required, we just would like a headcount so we can make sure we have enough food for everyone! Please
Featured image for Parenting Study

Parenting Study

Student Ministries and Kids Ministry are teaming up to help provide parents with tools to be the the spiritual leaders of their homes. Exploring the life of a Christian parent is a study for parents with kids of all ages! This study follows a book called “Habits of the Household” by Justin Whitmel Early. Here we will explore the concept
Featured image for Meet the Staff

Meet the Staff

Are you new here and have questions? Or simply want to get to know the Pastor’s? Don’t miss your chance to meet the staff! In between the services on Sunday, and at the end of service Monday night Feb 16th and 17th
Featured image for Young Adult Group is Moving!

Young Adult Group is Moving!

Young Adult Group is for all 18-30 year olds looking to connect to a community and deepen their relationship with Jesus! Due to this group growing in size, it will be moving locations starting Feb 10th, 2025! It will now be held on Monday Nights in the Chapel at 6pm! See you there!
Featured image for Family Service Weekend

Family Service Weekend

Join us Feb 23rd or 24th for Family Service Weekend where Wesley and Brenton will ruin a story from the Bible. This time they will be going over the story of David and Goliath! This service is geared towards listeners of all ages, is fun, yet educational. You are not going to want to miss it. (Childcare available for Nursery
Featured image for Griefshare


GriefShare groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare methods which can help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life. This is a 13 week class starting on Feb 10th, but anyone is welcome to join at any time. Books are

    OCC’s Church Center APP


    Service Times

    Sunday Mornings
    8, 9:45, 11:30 am

    Monday Nights
    7:00 pm

    Join Us

    Orchards Community Church
    822 Bryden Ave,
    Lewiston, ID 83501

    Contact Us

    (208) 743-1021

    Office Hours
    M-Th, 8:30 am - 4pm

    Podcast Email